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  • KP Cubed Louisiana
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    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    September 30, 2006

    The Mexican Wall


    Well it’s about time.

    I know it isn’t much.

    But it will have to do until we can get automatic weapons that shoot anything that moves, drones flying over to shoot anything that moves.

    Hopefully it will be electrified enough so that you can see it glowing in the southern sky.

    We should also put the heads of those who try to cross on stakes in front of the wall as a warning.

    Landmines on both sides, of course they’ll be electronically controlled, we don’t want any accidents.

    Then for those which want to come in legally a series of random test questions they have to answer, every correct answer and they get to move a foot closer to the wall. The test WILL be conducted in English.

    To support the wall maintenance, we can rent sniper positions. For $100/day you can rent a tower spot along the border. You will be assigned your field of fire and get to shoot anything that moves across your land.

    For testing purposes we should use criminals on death row. We set them on the Mexican side, if they run into Mexico, oh well; we’ve gotten enough of theirs over the years. However, if they try to make it through the wall then, we either save money on housing and killing them, or if they make it, we’ll commute their sentence to life in prison. This will allow us to fix any “holes” in the wall.

    I am sure you good readers can come with lots more great ideas for our wall. Please let me know what you think would work and we can add it too the list.

    September 29, 2006

    Friday Free For All

    Least Surprising Story – Mexico doesn’t want the US to build a fence to try and keep Mexican criminals in Mexico.

    Local Democrat Story - 12 people showed up for a democratic UNITY rally. They don’t even like each other on a local level.

    Another Muslim Riot Story – 18 Christian churches because in Islam when a girl says no, she is really saying Jihad.

    Have another story you like? Trackback and I will add it to the post.

    September 28, 2006

    Russian Rockets Prove Syria Stocking Hezbollah

    Russian arms which were sold to Syria under the promise they would not leave Syria have been captured on Reuters film.


    I don’t remember seeing any of this in the MSM. Israel all along said that Syria was supplying Hezbollah. That is the main reason for the blockade, to stop the influx of weapons. I wonder if:

    1. Any notice will be made.
    2. Anything will be said to Syria.

    I am sure they are still stocking the underground shelves of the Hezbollah terrorists.

    I’ll update if there is any.

    September 27, 2006

    The ACLU fights itself...

    “The liberosity of an organization is directly proportional to the amount of in-fighting and backstabbing within said organization.” KP Cubed

    Using this theorem it is possible to prove that the ACLU is 125% liberal.


    “It does something wrong, then it retracts it after it gets bad publicity, which is no way to operate,” said Anna Switzer, a longtime A.C.L.U. member from New York who said she signed onto the mission statement reluctantly. “The problem is that some of these things should never have been proposed at all.”

    Sounds like every liberal in office.

    In theory the ACLU is a good idea. However, in practice it is horrendous. It does not fight for everyone’s rights. Just for the rights of its liberal friends, even (read especially) if that tramples the rights of, well, the right.

    “Our programs, both legal and legislative, have never been stronger,” Ms. Whitfield said. “And then there’s the phenomenal growth of the A.C.L.U., where we’ve nearly doubled staff, our revenues are higher, membership and donations are higher, and that, to us, tell us where we are right now, in terms of our organization. We’re proud of it.”

    Sooooooo…..She bases the effectiveness of the organization on how much money it makes (that sounds almost like right thinking)?

    Shouldn’t it be on how well it stands up for what it believes in?

    Do they even no what they believe in any more?

    Or are their principles based on higher revenues, as she seems to be saying?

    Stop the ACLU is a great place to find out.

    Updated: Fallout from Chavez remarks affects Citgo

    First let me say that I am torn on the whole boycott Citgo issue. Yes, I would like to Chavez fail due to lack of money from America because of his comments. However, I do understand that it will be affecting local people as well.

    If the companies that are currently buying directly from Citgo were to switch to a different brand, then it should save the local jobs. This means though that the money maybe going to a pro-terrorist middle eastern country as opposed to a pro-terrorist south American country.

    Saying all that, here are some stories about Citgo. Notice some of these things happened before the latest comments. Many people have been calling for the boycott of Citgo for a long time.


    “Adam Hasner wrote a letter to Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Denver Stutler asking whether the state could cancel Citgo's exclusive contract to sell fuel at turnpike service stations.”

    This would kill 7 Citgo stations on the turnpike. They would simply be moved to a different company, which should save the local jobs, just hurt the main company.


    Hat tip to What the hell is wrong with you?

    This came out before the “devil” comments. 7-11 and others are not renewing contracts with Citgo. They give different reasons. I think what is interesting is the spin Citgo puts on it. It sounds as though they are losing their southern market and trying to shift things more northward. Or you could say, they are losing market in predominantly conservative states sp moving to liberal states, where local socialists don’t mind paying for propping up other socialist governments.


    This ought to be good in a liberal bastion such as Boston. I think they should take it down.

    There are hundreds of blogs and sites calling for the boycott. I will update with new stories as they come out.

    Update#1: Business as usual in Louisiana. Gotta love the state I live in.

    Update#2: My friend at Neo-Con* Tastic has started a blogroll for boycotting Citgo. Go here to join.

    September 25, 2006

    Classified leak is all the libs have....

    Leaks again and again and again!!!

    So now a classified report has been leaked again. The report reportedly says that the war in Iraq has greatly multiplied the threat of terrorism. Of course, no one can confirm nor deny it as the report is CLASSIFIED.

    But let’s look at a few facts.

    1.) We were under attack from terrorists before the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

    2.) They used whatever propaganda necessary to recruit terrorists. If it was not the war in Iraq it would be something else. These people existed LONG before the war.

    3.) These terrorists hate us. Let me repeat. THESE TERRORISTS HATE US. I do not believe that for one instant their hate level increased or decreased based at all on our actions. This is a holy war for them. They hate us for not being Muslim, not for being American, not for being in Iraq, not for being Christian, purely because we are not Muslim.

    There you go. It is not that hard to understand, until we convert or die, we will be at war with them.

    The second problem is the timing of this leak. It amazes me (tongue in cheek) that this report should be leaked just before the Democrats are trying to retake the government. It seems to me that before every election, something is leaked that looks bad for the Republicans. There is no non-political reason for this report to have been given to the NYT and NY Post. In fact, not all of it was, just the part that would seem most damning to the President and the Republicans.

    According to the intelligence agency the report is huge, with only one small blurb about Iraq in it at all. The MSM and the libs, of course, conveniently ignore the rest of what the report may say. Remember we don’t know all of it as it is CLASSIFIED. That won’t stop the libs who have already decided, based on very limited info, what they want to hear and are running with it. I am sure if it comes out that the report didn’t really say what they want it too they will blame Rove for planting the info to make them look bad.

    How sad for these people that they cannot run on their principles, their ideas, and the will of the people they represent, but ONLY on the headlines from the MSM.

    Open Trackbacked at The Bullwinkle Blog