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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    September 25, 2006

    Classified leak is all the libs have....

    Leaks again and again and again!!!

    So now a classified report has been leaked again. The report reportedly says that the war in Iraq has greatly multiplied the threat of terrorism. Of course, no one can confirm nor deny it as the report is CLASSIFIED.

    But let’s look at a few facts.

    1.) We were under attack from terrorists before the war in Afghanistan or Iraq.

    2.) They used whatever propaganda necessary to recruit terrorists. If it was not the war in Iraq it would be something else. These people existed LONG before the war.

    3.) These terrorists hate us. Let me repeat. THESE TERRORISTS HATE US. I do not believe that for one instant their hate level increased or decreased based at all on our actions. This is a holy war for them. They hate us for not being Muslim, not for being American, not for being in Iraq, not for being Christian, purely because we are not Muslim.

    There you go. It is not that hard to understand, until we convert or die, we will be at war with them.

    The second problem is the timing of this leak. It amazes me (tongue in cheek) that this report should be leaked just before the Democrats are trying to retake the government. It seems to me that before every election, something is leaked that looks bad for the Republicans. There is no non-political reason for this report to have been given to the NYT and NY Post. In fact, not all of it was, just the part that would seem most damning to the President and the Republicans.

    According to the intelligence agency the report is huge, with only one small blurb about Iraq in it at all. The MSM and the libs, of course, conveniently ignore the rest of what the report may say. Remember we don’t know all of it as it is CLASSIFIED. That won’t stop the libs who have already decided, based on very limited info, what they want to hear and are running with it. I am sure if it comes out that the report didn’t really say what they want it too they will blame Rove for planting the info to make them look bad.

    How sad for these people that they cannot run on their principles, their ideas, and the will of the people they represent, but ONLY on the headlines from the MSM.

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