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Glenn Reynolds Says
    "I'm not dead, I just smell that way."
Proud Member of the Alliance

The Alliance
  • KP Cubed Louisiana
  • The Conservative Cat
  • Basil's Blog
  • Name:
    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
    • 6. Michael Moore

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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    December 07, 2006

    New Posts

    Sorry for the delay folks.

    But after the election results really kicked in, I found myself completely disinterested in governmental matters. Almost as disinterested as the republicans for the last few years (drum roll please.)

    My new therapist says that the blogging seems to help my anger issues, unfortunately this was after my old therapist told me that I needed to get over it as we could use the money we were spending in Iraq to help plant more trees.

    So after a few days for assault, a higher dosage and a new therapist. I once again bring you KP Cubed.