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Glenn Reynolds Says
    "I'm not dead, I just smell that way."
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The Alliance
  • KP Cubed Louisiana
  • The Conservative Cat
  • Basil's Blog
  • Name:
    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
    • 6. Michael Moore

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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    December 08, 2006

    Friday Catblogging - TWEEK!

    Bending to the will of my public (yes I heard you mom). I will step momentarily away from my biting commentary on the world's state of affairs and bring you TWEEK!

    This very large cat seems the perfect companion for a family of three.

    He is soft.

    He sheds continuously.

    He lets us know when its OK to approach him.

    He draws blood when necessary to keep us mere humans in line.

    He spits up hairballs on will.

    And he can rub his butt on the carpet better than any dog I know.

    But behind these cat-erific abilities there lies a dark secret. See if you can find the problem.

    Leave a comment and let me know what you think it is. I will reveal the answer and start the saga of TWEEK! next week.
