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    September 30, 2006

    The Mexican Wall


    Well it’s about time.

    I know it isn’t much.

    But it will have to do until we can get automatic weapons that shoot anything that moves, drones flying over to shoot anything that moves.

    Hopefully it will be electrified enough so that you can see it glowing in the southern sky.

    We should also put the heads of those who try to cross on stakes in front of the wall as a warning.

    Landmines on both sides, of course they’ll be electronically controlled, we don’t want any accidents.

    Then for those which want to come in legally a series of random test questions they have to answer, every correct answer and they get to move a foot closer to the wall. The test WILL be conducted in English.

    To support the wall maintenance, we can rent sniper positions. For $100/day you can rent a tower spot along the border. You will be assigned your field of fire and get to shoot anything that moves across your land.

    For testing purposes we should use criminals on death row. We set them on the Mexican side, if they run into Mexico, oh well; we’ve gotten enough of theirs over the years. However, if they try to make it through the wall then, we either save money on housing and killing them, or if they make it, we’ll commute their sentence to life in prison. This will allow us to fix any “holes” in the wall.

    I am sure you good readers can come with lots more great ideas for our wall. Please let me know what you think would work and we can add it too the list.