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    Location: Louisiana, United States
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    August 24, 2006

    Shreveport Bus Driver Racist?

    (This post was originally posted at KP Cubed-LA)

    Woohoo. We made the Drudge Report. Oh wait. It’s for supposed racist behavior.

    The Shreveport Times reported Thursday that, “Nine black children attending Red River Elementary School were directed last week to the back of the school bus by a white driver who designated the front seats for white children.”

    Wow. I don’t know what to say about that. Yes, I do. NOTHING.

    There are no facts out in the case yet. We have heard nothing from those investigating the bus driver, yet already the NAACP is condemning the ENTIRE school district as racist. I have no doubt that Jesse and Al are on their way here as I write this. And with them and their rhyming tirades, we will lose sight of what happened. Regardless of what the final outcome of the story is or any mitigating circumstances, the story has been written. Shreveport will be branded racist.

    With the tiny attention span of the public and the agenda driven reporting of news agencies, there will be little follow up to the actual story. However, I can guarantee that the Black mayoral candidates will make this the number one issue in the election. Warning all black people that by voting for a white person, they are sending their own kind back 60 years.

    Might as well get the pack out, the race card is coming.