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    August 20, 2006

    Steorn Breaks the Law

    ….of thermodynamics. Free Energy

    A Dublin based internet company has evidently figured out how to create “free energy” while playing with magnets and windmills.

    They decided the best way to let the world know was by taking out an ad in the Economist, that journal of scientific integrity. "We chose it over a purely scientific magazine simply because we want to make the general public aware that this process is about to commence and to generate public support, awareness, interest etc for what we are doing." The ad basically challenges for 12 physicists to prove them wrong. I think the key word in the quote is “support", as in monetary.

    "We fully accept there is going to be cynicism surrounding this but what we're saying to the world of science is come and prove us wrong," said Steorn Chief Executive Sean McCarthy

    Cynicism? How about laugh out loud disbelief.

    Though breakthroughs in science have been made by accident in the past, this whole set-up smells to me. It seems more like an attempt to get investors than anything.

    Let’s look at their website.

    When you first arrive they want you to “sign up” with your e-mail address to receive the results. Though they promise to never sell it that does not stop them from using it internally, and the promise is just set out there, I did not see a privacy policy. Remember, they started out as an internet company. What better way to develop a list of e-mail addresses for later sales use.

    They also state, “Our technology has been independently validated by engineers and scientists - always off the record, always proven to work.”
    Always off the record? Why? Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this?

    If you look at their Press Releases section, it has 4 items; all dated the same day, including one about a Christmas party.

    The whole set-up is way to slick an ad campaign, even down to the part were they will give the technology away for free to poor third world countries.

    If you say can run a car or phone or whatever off this thing forever, then do it. Until then, I’ll stay cynical.

    As a side note on the Reuters story, “The concept of "free energy" -- which contradicts the first law of thermodynamics that in layman's terms states you cannot get more energy out than you put in -- has divided the scientific community for centuries.” I wasn’t aware of the great thermodynamic law divide. You may want to put a little more research into your stories than you do your pictures.