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Glenn Reynolds Says
    "I'm not dead, I just smell that way."
Proud Member of the Alliance

The Alliance
  • KP Cubed Louisiana
  • The Conservative Cat
  • Basil's Blog
  • Name:
    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
    • 6. Michael Moore

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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    August 18, 2006

    U(seless)N cries, "HELP US"


    The completely impotent U(seless)N is begging nations to help with the Hezbollah situation. "We are weak and can only write things on paper that have no force!!!!", said an, "UNNAMED SOURCE".

    How sad the once powerful U(seless)N has fallen so far? A once loved,

    20/20 story

    and admired force is no longer a viable solution to the world. With no Oil in Lebanon, and with Iran handling all weapons for the Hezbollahs (the french won't make a dime), countries are pulling out of the peace agreement they fought for. Luckily, Koffi has an ace up his sleeve.

    Surely this man who has weathered the Oil For Food scandal and the rape of hundreds of people can pull them through. The Blue Helmets will find some way to show there presence besides leaving children fathered by rape behind!