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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    August 19, 2006

    Weekly Roundup (Updated)

    Stories I marked during the week, but never got to writing about.

    China’s UN Ambassador Asks the US to Shut Up

    Not so much “asks” as warns that we had better. If you ever start to question what it would be like to live in Communist China, just remember this quote by Sha Zukang, the Chinese ambassador to UN,

    “It is not a question of how big Taiwan is. Each centimeter of Chinese land is more important to us than lives of our soldiers.”

    Can you feel the love?
    Liberals eat their own

    The poor libs, they worked so hard to get Lamont elected in a primary that it is going to cost them a seat. Now they are threatening Lieberman if he does not fall into step with their anti-war agenda.

    Hey Libs, you where the one who made it a single issue race in the primary; you’ll just have to live with the consequences of a race that is voted in by more than just Bush hater’s.

    Update. They are threatening their own people with sanctions. Best line in the story:
    "...That is not democracy, that is not diversity." Kathleen Sullivan, the chairman of the Democratic Party in New Hampshire, about the democrats changes.


    Doomsday for Israel?

    Do a search for "Night of the Sira’a and Miira'aj". The basic thought is the 21st -22nd is a very special day for Islam. That is the day that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he would answer the U(seless)N on their nuclear program. Some people think that with his continuing threats against Israel, his obvious instability, and the “illuminating the night sky over Jerusalem” comment, he is planning on a nuclear attack.

    Update. Looks as though Iran is attempting to explain troop movement to the rest of the world? War games or war on Israel?