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    September 23, 2006

    UPDATED: Pro-Israel (anti-Iran) Rally in front of U(seless)N

    Did you know that?

    Evidently 35,000 to 40,000 pro-Israel people came to protest the UN yesterday in New York. They closed down streets. They held up signs. They got completely ignored by the media.

    You know how I found out about it.

    Little Green Footballs (Be sure to check out the slideshow)


    Atlas Shrugs (Wonderful pictures there too)

    (I highly recommend both these blogs on a daily basis.)

    I actually found both these stories yesterday. I decided to do a quick news search to get some more background. You know try a little due diligence, but alas, I found no stories on the rally in the MSM.

    35,000 – 45,000 people protesting the beloved President of Iran and the anti-Semitic U(seless)N, and nothing. I checked the usual places. I ran a google search, nothing.

    Now I realize that most of the MSM was busy reporting about Hugo Chavez calling the President “el Diablo” as that fits in better with their beliefs, but still there should be something. If one anti-Israel protester showed up and just sat around for a few hours, they would have hundreds of cameras on him as proof how the “whole” world hates us and Israel.

    Ok. I figure I’ll just wait until the morning. Let everyone catch up with the news.

    Google news search this morning showed zilch. I even went to Fox News and searched. NADA there either.

    I guess I should be surprised, but I am not. Everyday the MSM lets down the people of this country by only reporting what fits its agenda.

    Unfortunately, freedom of the press also means freedom not to report.

    UPDATE: I found a story. Goodfor the NY Sun for actually picking up this story.