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    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
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    September 18, 2006

    Jesse Jackson interveiws for Al-Jazeera


    Man. This guy cannot stay out of the press. What does he think he is going to accomplish by meeting with the terrorists, except give them quotes as to how horrible America is.

    You made the list.

    He toes the liberal line about the cause of terrorism being the US troops in Iraq. How we lied to go in there. How the Iraqis see us as an occupying force and they all hate us. How America makes it all worse by not negotiating with Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria, Iran and other terrorist organizations and countries.

    But this is the part that gets me.

    "The war has been a pretext to reduce civil liberties and basic freedoms. You have warlike powers, which mean you suspend freedoms. Then they plan wars based upon an unsound assumption. We have lost money, like $250 million a day, lives, between 2000 and 3000 Americans and 50,000 plus Iraqis, we have lost honour."

    He said it. Instead of seeing the truth, which is we are bestowing liberties on other countries. We are fighting for democracy. We are giving people a chance to live in a place where they have rights. He says our rights are being taken away.

    Which right have you lost Jesse?

    The right to put down America to the enemy?

    The right to speak against the government?

    The right to rhyme while keeping your own people down?

    Try and live in a muslim country where your right is to convert or die. Then lets discuss your freedoms again.