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    September 20, 2006

    Peggy Fox is a left wing partisan hack!!!!!

    This is from a debate Wednesday between Sen. Allen and James Webb. A reporter from WUSA in Virginia, Peggy Fox, decided that she needed to know more about Sen. Allen’s mother and Jewish heritage. It is so obviously a liberal ploy to make him look bad. She wants to peg him as a Jew or a Jew hater. She doesn’t seem to care which, figuring she can take away some of his votes either way.

    The first question she asks is about macaca and whether or not he learned that from his mother, who is from Tunisia. Dragging his mom into the political ring is just wrong, but wait she’s not done.

    Here is the transcript of the question and answer session:

    Fox: May I ask a follow up? Following the macaca episode, the Jewish press
    published a story on the internet that explored your possible Jewish ancestry on
    your mother's side. You've been quoted as saying your mother's not Jewish, but
    it had been reported her father, your grandfather Felix, whom you were given
    your middle name for, was Jewish. Could you please tell us whether your
    forbearers include Jews, and if so, at which point Jewish identity might have

    (Booing from the audience)

    Allen: I'm glad you all have that, you have that reaction. You know
    what our first freedom in this country was? Freedom of religion, where people's
    rights are not enhanced or diminished on account of their religious beliefs.
    Thomas Jefferson was the author of that. As we try to stand up a free and just
    society, that's the first pillar of a free and just society. And to be getting
    into what religion my mother is, I don't think it's relevant, whatever one
    person believes, whatever their beliefs may be, is not relevant. So I'd like to
    ask you, why is that relevant? My religion, Jim's religion, or the religion
    beliefs of anyone out there. (applause)
    My mother's French-Italian--

    Fox: Honesty.

    Allen:--with a little Spanish blood in her. And I was raised as she
    was, as far as I know, raised as a Christian. But if you really need to get into
    such matters--

    Fox:--Honesty, that's all.

    Allen: Oh, that's all? That's just all? We need, we need to get this
    country together. And I respect your right to ask questions. But let's ask
    questions about issues that really matter to people here, in Virginia, such as
    how we're going to bring this country together, make us more secure, a land of
    opportunity. And I'll tell you one other thing, preserve our foundational
    values, and one of those values is freedom of religion and not making aspersions
    about people because of their religious beliefs.

    Wow!!! Is there really anything to be said about this?

    Yeah, I guess so.

    Let’s dissect her question:

    “Following the macaca episode…” She makes sure to mention this “episode again although the last question dealt with it.

    “…the Jewish press…” As opposed to the press, why does she feel it necessary to mention it as the Jewish press?

    "…explored your possible Jewish ancestry on your mother's side. You've been quoted as saying your mother's not Jewish, but it had been reported her father, your grandfather Felix, whom you were given your middle name for, was Jewish…” You say your mother isn’t Jewish, but the Jewish press says her dad was… She implies he is lying about his Jewish past, perhaps he is ashamed of it….Perfect set-up to finally get to the question.

    “…Could you please tell us whether your forbearers include Jews,…” Why she does this I don’t understand, except hoping he might deny it.

    “…at which point Jewish identity might have ended?” Why oh why have you turned your back on the Jewish religion and the Jewish people, do you hate Israel? Is what she is really asking.

    I think that Allen did a wonderful job of answering the question. I would have been more succinct.

    “My mother, my religion, ain’t none of your damn business.”

    I guess that’s why I am not running for office. Yet.