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    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
    • 6. Michael Moore

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    September 14, 2006

    Rosie O'donnell says Christians as bad as Islamic Fascists


    Man the list just keeps getting longer.

    Rosie O'donnell, that mastermind of all things political, said, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state."


    Even the other hosts of the View where surprised at her statement. They replied with the obvious,

    "There's that difference. This group is threatening to kill us," Behar said.

    And Hasselback, appearing surprised, said, "We are not bombing ourselves here in the country."

    Good for them.

    It continues to amaze how the far left keeps trying to relate Fundamental Christianity with Fascist Islamists. I take that back, the left hates chrisitans much more. It's as though they just can't seem to get the difference between them. There out-right hatred of all things having to do with God blinds them to the truth.

    Sure there is some nutjobs who go to far by shooting abortionists (that's all the liberals can come up with), but that's a few people. Compare it to the tens of thousands of children who are brought up in a soceity of hatred. Compare a lone "christian" sniper with hundreds of people with bombs strapped on their chest.

    And what happens to the sniper? He is caught and imprisoned, brought to justice. Vilified by the country, as he should be.

    And what happens to the terrorists? They are glorified as saints and martyrs. Practically worshipped by millions of people and the governments of nations.

    See the difference?

    Christians are brought up to love one another.

    Islamic Fascists arebrought up to kill anyone who cannot be converted to their radical beliefs.

    See the difference?

    Christians do not run the government and FORCE people t o follow the tenets of christianity or die.

    Islamic Fascists take away the rights of all its people (except those in charge, who seem to be quite wealthy) according to their particular brand Islam, and KILLS those who question it.

    See the difference?

    Probably not. The left is too blinded by their own hatreds to see the truth.

    Luckily, NOONE, listens to people like O'donnell, except herself and other left-wingers who days are long past.