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    October 04, 2006

    Illegal Alien/Rapist caught


    This goes to show what kind of “immigrants” are coming over our border. The guy tied up the husband, raped the wife, and then stole their truck.

    These are the type of people that the liberals are trying to protect.

    These are the type of people that get into the country because of no border security.

    This didn’t happen on a border state, or an agricultural state, it happened here in Shreveport. No place is safe.

    This guy wasn’t digging in the dirt doing jobs no American would do. He was roofing.

    I think the worst part of this story is the fact he was arrested for no driver’s license, and then released. Why? Why he was not held for being in the US illegally is beyond me.

    This guy is not an American citizen and should be shot immediately. Let the wife point him out, take him out back and shoot him.

    Maybe that would keep a few of the illegals at home.

    The guy who is an American citizen, the guy who hired the illegal, he should be put in jail. See how he likes being raped.