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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    September 09, 2006

    Censorship in America - Brought to you by the left.

    Where is the ACLU?
    Where are the artists?
    Where are our freindly left-winged actors/actresses?
    Where is the media?

    As the left attempts to impose its form of censorship, these often vocal communities seem to be missing. They scream that they should be allowed to say whatever they want (lies are not) as long as they are beating on the president, but when someone creates a DRAMA, that may show their messiah (Clinton) in a bad (however proper) light, they are seemingly mute.

    After Rather ran with obviously false documents about President Bush they said, "Well, the documents may be fake, but what they say is probably true, so it's alright." These where documents brought forth on the nightly news as fact. What the libs are fighting now is a docudrama, a tv show, created to get rankings. Yet, they cannot deal with it.

    Crucifixes in urine? It's OK, we'll even use tax payer money for it.

    The Virgin Mary in elephant dung? Sure, put it in a museum.

    Fake papers against the president? No problem.

    Movie about the assissnation of President Bush? We'll take two copies.

    Docudrama based loosely on information about 9/11 which makes Clinton look like the fool he is? Oh no. We will threaten the network with sanctions, we will imply we may not renew their license. We will come down on them harder than we ever went after terrorists.

    The left seems to think it has all the answers to what should and should not be censored. They feel as though they have the moral ground to pronounce what is right and wrong. They think their masses of poor people which they have fought for so long to keep down will blindly follow them in their cave of censorship. Unfortunately, they may be right.

    The other MSM outlets seem loathe to investigate to far into this, and I don;t blame them. For they to are going against the very people who give the licenses for them to broadcast, their very livelyhood is in jeopardy by a bunch a self-serving meglomaniacs worries that the country might finally see the truth of their corruption during the Clinton era.

    I fear that this is only the beginning, especially if they come into power in 59 days. If we allow them to get away with this then how much longer until all we see is state sponsored propaganda. The papers have already been brought in line, most news agencies, how much longer do the bloggers have until we are arrested for expressing views contrary to their beleifs like they are in China.

    Pray my friends.

    Pray I am wrong about this.

    Pray the PEOPLE will actually see the full implication of their petty censorship and its long lasting effects.

    Pray for America, that we can stay the land of the free.