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    September 05, 2006

    Criminals get away due to language barrier - Immigration problems.


    There has been much discussion about the “rights” of immigrants, both legal and illegal. This just focuses on one of the issues, the English language. Many people complain that it is not “fair” for those from other countries to have to learn our language, and that we should be “required” to learn theirs. How many jobs have you seen advertised lately requiring you to be bi-lingual?

    Criminals were able to get away with robbing the store because the person could not speak English. The story does not say what nationality they were originally, but it doesn’t matter. They all should have to learn English as part of their immigration.

    For those that want to force businesses to run immigration, then all employees MUST pass a basic English screening. They check for drugs, credit, criminal past and other things, why not make a basic English check. My guess is, if they can’t pass that then they probably aren’t supposed to be here.

    You should also have to pass an English test to get ANY government aid. Why should I pay for people who:

    a) Are not supposed to be here…
    b) Are not even working while here…
    c) Do not speak English…

    Unfortunately none of these things will happen. The liberals simply want to USE the immigrants as a voting base by promising them whatever they want to get votes. The republicans have decided to drop immigration and focus on national security (neither party seems to realize the two are entwined).

    With the government staying out of the immigration issue, is it any wonder the people have taken it upon themselves to protect the nation. If we don’t, people like Castro will continue to come across the border.