Democrats win an election, kind of.
For the first time in years democrats won at the voting booth. In a not-so-stunning upset Democrat Virgin Ned Lamont, who ran on a I am not Joe Lieberman platform, won a democratic primary. Yes, that's right folks all this media attention about what it means for the libs is based on voting in a DEMOCRATIC primary. And yet the left holds it as proof of what is to come later this year in mid-term elections. Ned Lamont was immediatley surrounded by the far left including Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton, the Reverends (Jesse and Al). What a surprise. All this shows is that the inmates ARE running the asylum. Joe Lieberman said he would run as an Independent rather than cut and run against his beliefs as the Libs wanted. The lashback was immediate as seen here at The only issue that seemed to be involved in this was the war in Iraq. Specifically that Joe supported it and Ned did what he was told by the Dems. One issue maybe enough to win a primary in a party that has no solutions, but I can hardly believe that it is enough to win an election where everyone (not just right-winged, blog lying, war hating, french loving, Ameriphobes) gets to vote. The only thing the left has done is show their hand to soon and probably lose a democratic seat to a now Independent Joe. |