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    "I'm not dead, I just smell that way."
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  • KP Cubed Louisiana
  • The Conservative Cat
  • Basil's Blog
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    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
    • 6. Michael Moore

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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    August 04, 2006

    Rules for Un-employment

    With the bad news from AOL about employee cuts (one of many stories here), I have decided to try and put my two weeks of knowledge about unemployment on-line to try and help these individuals.

    1. Start a blog praising KP Cubed with links to it.

    2. Leave your house/apt/cave everyday. Take a walk to the store, go to the mall, divide your grocery shopping up into many small trips. Cabin Fever is not just a plot element for a Simpson's episode (wiki here).

    3. If you have time (and haven't already) marry a wonderful woman who puts your happiness above everything and is able and willing to work so the family isn't homeless and starving. (I love you Honey!!!!!!)

    4. Keep an eye out for signs of depression. I am not talking about, "I am going to kill myself depression." Just not wanting to do anything. Here are a few warning signs:
    a. Not answering phone calls or e-mails.
    b. Watching anything written/produced/starring Oprah.
    c. Not reading KP Cubed everyday.
    d. Thinking about that time in high school when......
    e. Not eating enough.
    f. Eating too much.
    g. Worrying about the amount you are eating.
    h. Starting to think that maybe the Libs are right.

    5. Take all your extra money and put it into AOL stock, it will probably skyrocket from the layoffs.

    6. Bathe and dress everyday. This helps get your blood going and gives a sense of normalcy and purpose for the day.

    7. Put your resume EVERYWHERE. There are hundreds of job sites that you can post on for free, you never know which one will work. (This is assuming you want to goback to working)(Love you honey!!!!!!!)

    8. Look into doing some charity work. This will make you feel good about yourself. The added bonus is if it gets bad enough you know where to go for shelter and free food.

    9. READ something everyday (like KP Cubed), don't cut yourself off from the world or allow negative liberal news to make you feel hopeless about the economy (they just want to enslave you with welfare), it REALLY is doing great.

    10. Keep the house clean, do the laundry, the dishes, cook dinner (especially if you have #3 (Love you Honey!!!!!!)). It is easier to feel better about yourself with a clean environment.

    These are just a few ideas to help you get through the hopefully short time before you find your next employment. Remember this is an opportunity for greater things to happen in your life.