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Glenn Reynolds Says
    "I'm not dead, I just smell that way."
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  • KP Cubed Louisiana
  • The Conservative Cat
  • Basil's Blog
  • Name:
    Location: Louisiana, United States
    • 1. Lynne Stewart
    • 2. Jimmy Carter
    • 3. Jesse Jackson
    • 4. Debra Kanof
    • 5. Rosie O'donnell
    • 6. Michael Moore

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    • Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. - 2 Corinthians 5:11

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    August 01, 2006

    3 Presidents - 3 Different Stories

    US President is Healthy: ABC Story, MSNBC Story - I don't think 5lbs is a bad weight gain, and I am sure he appreciated the hearing loss so he doesn't hear from his many detractors.

    Cuba's President is Unhealthy: BBC Story, ABC Story - Everytime he sneezes people think this could be the time. I am not really sure what will change once he does die. Does anyone really believe that the country will suddenly go "Oh, Castro isn't here. I guess we'll become a democracy", yeah right?

    Iran's President is Absolutly Crazy: USA Today Story - Here we go again. The UN saying they don't like what someone is doing, so they are going to write a paper about it.